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Pest Control Tip: De-Grub Your Lawn

May 1, 2013

Think grubs are something that happens in other people’s back yards? Think again! Pest control experts estimate that grubs cause more than $ 234 million in damage annually. And those are just the people who actually do something about it. So what are grubs? Most people are familiar with Japanese beetles. These insects are serious [...]

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Get your home ready against Ridgewood pests in any season

April 17, 2013

Each season brings new Ridgewood pests. Some are a threat all year long while others tend to see our homes as protection during inclement weather. Whichever season is approaching, there are step you can and should take at the advent of every season to make sure your home will not be susceptible to Ridgewood pest [...]

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Pest control Tip: Beware of mites!

April 3, 2013

Anytime we spend any appreciable amount of time outdoors, we should be aware of the possibility of bringing home a few new friends with us, including mites. However, the great outdoors isn’t the only place we encounter mites, say Ridgewood pest control experts. These microscopic bugs can be found literally everywhere. These insects have small [...]

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Pest Control Tip: Make Your Garden A No-Feeding Zone For Deer

March 20, 2013

Who doesn’t love watching deer graze in a field? These serene creatures seem harmless enough and while we enjoy watching them do their thing, we just enjoy it more when it is not in our own backyard. According to Ridgewood pest control experts, it is extremely difficult to stop deer from destroying your landscape. They [...]

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Pest Control: Maybe Roaches Aren’t So Bad?

March 6, 2013

There aren’t many people who like roaches, much less find them useful in any significant way. In fact, most of us would put in an immediate call to our Ridgewood pest control technician. However, these creepy, bacteria-covered bugs might actually be life savers if research scientists have anything to do with it. Researchers are examining [...]

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Pest Control: Mosquitoes

February 20, 2013

Hands down, mosquitoes are probably one of the most annoying Ridgewood pests around. They can turn a perfectly enjoyable evening into an itchy, aggravating event that will deter you from enjoying a warm summer night again. Besides being downright irritating (both mentally and physically), they also could pose a serious health risk. Pest control experts [...]

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Pest Control: Fall Check List

February 6, 2013

Many people find the bi-annual daylight savings to be a time to check in on their house to make sure everything is working properly and running smoothly. They may make it a time to inspect their roofing or plumbing, but include smaller tasks such as checking smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Depending on the part [...]

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Pest Control Tip: Your outdoor BBQ could be a Ridgewood pest haven

January 23, 2013

The very sight of your grill may inspire a happiness that’s almost incomparable to anything else. Standing in front of your BBQ, basting brush in one hand, cool beverage in the other, feeling the ultimate domination of man over meat. So when spring comes around and you’re chomping at the bit to get your grill [...]

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Lawn Care Tip: Stepping Stones Are A Great Addition To Your Landscaping

January 9, 2013

Do you feel like your landscape is missing something but don’t really want to get involved in a long-term or expensive renovation project? Stepping stones may be the answer! One of the most underappreciated landscaping home improvement projects is the simple addition of stepping stones to your garden and lawn areas. Stepping stones are an [...]

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Lawn Care Tip: Create a Fall Check List For Your Home Maintenance

December 26, 2012

Many people find the bi-annual daylight savings to be a time to check in on their house to make sure everything is working properly and running smoothly. They may make it a time to inspect their roofing or plumbing, but include smaller tasks such as checking smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Depending on the part [...]

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